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Newbridge Academy

Academic Programs

A Leader In Academic Excellence

A Leader in Academic Excellence

Our leading academic program provides comprehensive coverage of the BC curriculum and augments the students’ learning experiences with additional learning materials and programs that ensure a balanced and enriched educational package that will give our children the tools to maintain relevancy and competency with their peers not only locally but abroad as well.


Through small class sizes and individual learning trajectories carefully tailored to the needs of each child, Newbridge Academy strives to help each student achieve his or her maximum academic potential.

Mathematics Program

The centerpiece of our mathematics program is mathematical problem solving. In their daily lessons students are encouraged to question, experiment with, and be curious about mathematical relationships and how these can be noticed and applied in our daily lives. Students are guided to extrapolate what they know and then use their mathematical powers, such as critical thinking, reasoning, conjecturing, proving, and visualizing to apply their knowledge to a novel situation.  Through problem solving our students build their skills (such as computational fluency, spatial visualization, data analysis, measurement, estimation, algebraic manipulation, use of mathematical tools), concepts (such as understanding of  numerical, geometric, algebraic, probabilistic, statistical ideas and relationships) , processes (such as reasoning, communication, modelling, applications, connections), attitudes (such as interest, confidence, appreciation, perseverance), and metacognition (such as habits of mind, monitoring of one’s own thinking, making a plan and tracking one’s own progress, self-regulation of learning).



Newbridge Academy’s mathematics curriculum meets and in many ways enriches the British Columbia mathematics curriculum through the implementation of the Singapore Math Programme. Our students are expected to achieve the following goals: 


  • Develop a deep understanding of both factual (content) and process-based (curricular competencies) knowledge; each of these forms of knowledge are needed to solve complex problems.

  • Reason mathematically using their understanding of number, pattern, spatial relationships, and analysis of data in order to solve a variety of problems at their developmental stage. 

  • Become financially literate and able to make sound financial decisions 

  • Use flexible, effective, and accurate strategies to analyze and solve increasingly complex problems.

  • Explore how mathematics complements and includes other ways of knowing, such as First Peoples knowledge and other world views.

  • Reference for First People’s way of learning Math 

  • Develop perseverance and confidence to apply mathematical thinking in various abstract and concrete contexts.

  • View and navigate their world with a mathematical perspective.

  • Develop the ability for abstract thinking, including the critical thinking skills necessary for understanding global issues in society. 

Math Programs
Arts Program

Arts Program

Newbridge Academy offers art lessons that teach children a variety of artistic endeavors such visual arts, and drama. Students learn different techniques when creating a work of art, storytelling through dramatic re-enactment, and music theory through songs. Students will also learn about First People’s artwork and the influences that First People's art has around British Columbia.



Students will be learning art, music, and drama regularly throughout the year. Our expectation is that students will develop their artistic talents alongside their desire to express themselves through a variety of creative outlets.

English Programs

English Language Arts Program

Newbridge Academy offers an inclusive program for literacy that allows all children to access the daily learning. Lessons shaped around daily writing, phonics, high frequency words, and handwriting allow students to develop multiple skill sets throughout each school week. Students are frequently challenged to apply their learning to help form new understandings as these relate to their writing.  



Our students will continue to develop their reading, writing, and speaking skills to strengthen the communication within the growing multilingual world around them.  

Mandarin Language Arts Program

Chinese (Mandarin) is one of the most important languages in the world, and China is one of the largest and most active markets of the global economy. Through its bilingual Chinese (Mandarin) programming, Newbridge Academy will equip and encourage its students to: 


  • Explore, understand and appreciate cultures of the Mandarin-speaking world, and contribute to multilingualism and multiculturalism. 

  • Compete internationally and make friends among the 1.6 billion Mandarin speakers all over the world. 

  • Have greater opportunities for their post-secondary education and a wider choice of careers in the future. 

  • Broaden their cultural life through access to literature, art, music and theatre in another language. 


Newbridge Academy is the first English-Mandarin Bilingual Independent School in B.C., Canada. Mandarin Language Arts is one of the main courses at Newbridge Academy. We use the latest edition Chinese textbooks which all the schools in China are using. Except learning the language itself, we also teach our students Chinese Culture, Chinese songs & dance and Chinese arts through class activities. 



Our students have Mandarin classes every day and we are expecting our students to use Mandarin as their second language and develop excellent listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. 

Mandarin Programs

P.E. Program

Newbridge Academy incorporates the belief that a healthy body can help create a healthy mind. Students engage in daily physical activity both indoors and outdoors. Students stay active throughout the school week by learning different sports, team based play, and the social dynamics involved in sports. Students are also offered education on how their bodies handle healthy eating during their nutrition lessons at lunch time.



Our students learn that being active is not only fun but can hold endless benefits that will help them develop happy and healthy lifestyles.

P.E. Programs
Science Programs

Science Program

Newbridge Academy offers a thorough science program that involves learning mixed with hands on activities that help promote a keen sense of understanding. Completing hands on lessons, such as building water filters, allows students to predict, make mistakes, correct themselves and experiment with new solution to problems. Children are also given rich scientific vocabulary to help promote understanding.



Our students have science lessons up to 3 times per week and learn vital skills such as predictions, experimenting, re-evaluating, and making observations. We expect our students to develop a thorough knowledge of scientific methods of understanding.

Social Studies Program

Newbridge Academy offers a social studies program that helps students learn more about the communities around them and how they connect to the greater world at large. Students learn about traditions, needs, wants, rights, roles, and responsibilities as they relate to the world around them. Students will also get an extensive look at First people’s communities and culture.



Our students have social study lessons twice per week and are offered the chance to truly learn about the world around them. The expectation is that all of our students will become part of a global community through their education.

Social Studies
Newbridge Academy

Suite 246, 1959 152 St.

Surrey, BC V4A 9E3

Phone: 778-291-0110

Phone: 604-560-6366


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